Sidney Sherman Chapter #2 pictures
Steve Manis presents Denton Bryant a bottle of
Yellow Rose Bourbon at the September 2016 meeting

Steve Manis on the left looks on as Ron Schoolcraft and Denton
weild Bowie Knives from the September 2016 meeting

Steve Manis and Denton weild Bowie Knives

Denton holds what he said is his favorite Bowie Knife

Denton included a map of the Mexican assault on the Alamo

Map showing the troop positions during the Battle of ConcepciĆ³n
fought on October 28, 1835 in which the
Texians defeated the troops of Colonel Domingo Ugartechea

Templates of wood Bowie presented to James Black in Arkansas

The Duel of the Sandbar Participants

Map showing the location of Duel of the Sandbar west of Nachez

Reasons for Duels

Dueling History in the 1800s

Sources 6-10

Sources 1-5

Charlie Fogarty and Steve Manis at the May 2016 meeting

January 9,2016: Statues of Galveston

12 photos
January 9,2016: Commerating the 1863 Battle of Galveston

12 photos
January 5,2016: Chapter meeting at Ryans

4 photos
October 22,2015: Ceremony for David Burnet at his
Monument in Lakeview Cemetery, Galveston

6 photos
Sherman Park in East Galveston

2 Photos
Portrait from Wikipedia

1 Photo
Contact Secretary/WebMaster by email
Revised 2021Nov17